Tea has always been surrounded by myth, mystery, and legend. Even today, rumors run rampant across the internet on the magical curative powers of tea.
Though not all have been scientifically proven, you cannot deny the medical, emotional and physical health benefits that can be provided by this herbal concoction. From strengthening your immune system to relieving stress and anxiety, tea continues to prove true the old Chinese proverb “Drinking a daily cup of tea will surely starve the apothecary.”
Tea Basics
- Tracing tea's original roots is not easy. It is probable that the tea plant originated in regions around southwest China, Tibet, and Northern India. However, it was not until the Tang dynasty (618-907), often referred to as the classic age of tea, did consumption become widespread.
- Today, tea is estimated to be the second most popular drink in the world after water. There are over 1000
varieties of tea, most commonly classified as white, green, oolong, and black. Need a good primer on tea types and characteristics? Check out this informative article on tea types and benefits.
Tea & Your Immune System
- If you’re battling with a cold or the flu, teas can help to alleviate symptoms such as a sore throat, upset stomach, and congestion. Additionally, because they’re so rich in antioxidants and powerful herbs, teas can boost and support your immune system, helping to stop a bacterial or viral infection taking hold and keep you healthy during the winter months.
- According to experts, the best teas for your immune system include Echinacea, Elderflower, Licorice and Ginger. For more information on these and other great immune boosting teas, here is a helpful article from MSN Health.
Tea & Your Physical Health
- The health effects of tea have been extensively studied. It has been linked to lower heart disease and cancer risk through the action of flavonoids, a type of antioxidant. Other studies have linked tea to helping combat diabetes, lower cholesterol, battle osteoporosis, and relieve some allergy symptoms.
- The most highly touted teas for overall health are derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant, which includes green, black and white teas. If you want to know more about tea’s health benefits, here is a good article from WebMD to read over.
Tea & Your Mental Health
- Tea is a stress reliever, gives temporary relief from nervous disorders and induces a good, healthy feeling in the body and mind. Studies have shown that the amino acid L-theanine found in the tea plant alters the attention networks in the brain and can have demonstrable effects on the brain waves.
- More simply, tea can help you relax and concentrate more fully on tasks. Chamomile tea is well known for it’s calming properties. Black tea has been shown to reduce stress hormones. Tea is also extremely effective at helping with anxiety and insomnia, again another common symptom of depression.
- This article, from Psychology Today provides an interesting overview of the impact tea, specifically Green Tea, has on the brain.
Still confused about the variety of teas and the potential benefits they offer? Here is a helpful infographic to get you started.
For thousands of years, and across a multitude of cultures, tea has remained a go-to drink for medicinal needs, relaxation, and enjoyment. Though not the miracle cure it is often claimed to be, it certainly provides us with a healthy option to turn to when you need a reprieve from your day.
Brew a cup today and stay well.