GHR Travel Nursing's Blog

Our Commitment to You

Jan 24, 2022 3:30:31 PM / by GHR Travel Nursing

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Man Reading Email_Cropped“Why do I get these emails?” That is a question we love to answer.

The easy response is that you get them because you are a current or recent employee of GHR. It’s our way of staying in touch and, hopefully, providing you with information, news, and insights that are entertaining or helpful to you in some way.

The other reason you get these emails is because they are part of our commitment to you…a commitment to be more than just a place to call for a job, but instead to be an employer you can trust, a company you can depend on, and an organization you can be proud to be part of.

  • It’s why we’re always trying to improve, including sending out surveys each quarter asking you to tell us how we’re doing and for ways we can improve.
  • It’s why we’re always trying to enhance and upgrade the scope and quality of our benefits and perks.
  • It’s why we share news and updates about important health issues and opportunities.
  • It’s why our recruiters and managers go beyond your resume and application to really get to know you, your needs, and your goals.
  • It’s why we work so hard to always stay in touch and be timely in our communications.

Don’t get me wrong, we know we can sometimes fall short. But we are always committed and constantly working to be better.

Speaking of sharing important health news, the U.S. Government’s site where you can order up to four free home Covid tests is now open. Click on the link to order yours today.

Stay well.

Topics: Great Tips

GHR Travel Nursing

Written by GHR Travel Nursing