During that time, we’ve touched on a little bit of everything; nutrition tips, entertainment suggestions, exercise ideas, relaxation techniques, mood enhancements, stress reduction methods…you name it, we’ve probably talked about it.
Though I doubt any of us are particularly interested in repeating 2020, we thought it might be fun to revisit some of our most popular stories from last year.
So, in case you missed them, here are our top three highest rated 2020 Health Tips in case you want to catch up. We’ve also thrown in our very first Health Tip just for fun.
GHReat Tips for Health #1: Welcome to GHReat Tips for Health
Our first GHReat Tip set the tone for many to come on the importance of healthier eating, here is a brief look at how to boost your immune system through better nutrition.
GHReat Tips for Health #6: A Great Time for a New Hobby
Healthy distractions are always a popular topic, like this one offering a fun look at a variety of hobbies to keep us busy and entertained.
GHReat Tips for Health #18: Putting More Fun in Your Summer
Keeping our children safe, healthy and happy is a regular topic, with this one focusing on how to keep your children busy during the Summer months (spoiler alert: many work during the winter too!)
GHReat Tips for Health #28: Puttering About
Relieving stress and finding calm have been popular topics, including this one on the importance of doing nothing of importance.
Enjoy and stay well.